August has found me getting back to "Next to Normal".....well I have never even been close to "Normal" wait that is Broadway talk....but one hell of a play!! My normal in August has been putting my home life back in order after the rain. What a difference a month makes as you can tell from the was not pleasant, but then those things do happen. Okay enough on that, and I hope you like the pictures....I was going to post my Glenn Beck collection of photos...but none of them came out - don't you just hate that!!
Travel is what we live for...well me at least! And so in August I began working with a firm in Austin, Texas (Amazon Adventures) who specializes in South American adventure. I am working on my trip to Machu Picchu in Peru as well as my journey to Easter Island from Santiago. Then I have decided that going to South America may not be complete without a couple days in Rio!!
Oh, the really awesome thing is that the One World Alliance of Airlines (my main carrier being American Airlines) offers a South American package allowing you to purchase visits to selected cities with reduced fares based on the mileage between the cities. I did a price comparison and found the One World prices to be a good value. Check it out.
This month I also received a confirmation on my hotel stay while in Dublin. I was very pleased about that since the property from all I have read is a great place to stay and has quite a history behind it. It is called will let you know when I get there what "Bob's Trip Advice" would be...
Well September has me traveling during a couple weeks for work.....which BTW has only 49 working days till December 29, 2010. It will be here before I know it....Once I get to October 1st it will be a blur....things really pick up in October and I will have little time other than to pack my bag for another trip out of town.....Las Vegas....Atlanta.....Dallas.....New York...and one of my favorites Chicago for Christmas!!
Happy Labor Day to everyone.....Hugs (pass it on....)