Monday, September 27, 2010

Packing for RTW - in a Carry-on????

Well this month I decided to tackle the task of seeing - if at all possible - I could put all my clothing into a carry-on bag under 40 pounds for my RTW trip. ask!! Impossible....well, maybe not! I realize that I would have to wear some of the same things twice...well maybe three times...four? Okay, so what is wrong with mix and match? I mean come is a basic color...2 black t-shirts and 1 pair of jeans can go a week - well they can - but they won't!

It was suggested to me by a retired colleague that I should take t-shirts I did not really like or ones that after I had worn a number of times I could just discard and use the room for things I bought along the way. Hey, now that is my kind of idea. But, I am a pack rat (sort of) - while I detest left-overs in food - I can see myself wearing something a number of times and keeping it...well I can!

Okay, lets get to the experiment.....the articles of clothing in the picture above include among other things 7 shorts, 8 socks, 9 t-shirts, 3 slacks, 2 jackets, 1 sweater, 1 pair of jeans, 1 swim suit, 6 casual shirts,1 sandals,1 sneakers, 2 walking shorts, pair of gloves & hat (I get cold in temperatures below 50) + 90 day supply of all my medications and my toiletries kit including a first aid packet.

Let's see what that looks like rolled and put into cubes.... say....all into a Carry-on....NOOOOOOOO!  It would not fit -  even Dolly Pardon could not get that into that smaller bag.  So, I opted for this duffle type bag, but the good news is that it did all fit, and has a total weight of 34 pounds.  Hip Hip Hooray....I have achieved that benchmark. 

Next up - the real carry-on.  My backpack with electronic media.  That will be my feature next month....I will leave you with a picture of my bags....and the thought that 19 weeks from this Wednesday, September 29th,  I will be leaving IAD for SYD.........