Friday, October 15, 2010

Pepe Le Pew Le Ward 11/20/1998 - 10/12/2010

I had the delight of knowing a lot of you in my short life, but there were also those who have or have not heard about me.....a Gold Shih Tzu whose sire was Marumscos Buzz Light Year and Dam was Marumscos Miss Gizmo.  I was delivered to my adopted home at the ripe age of just over 8 weeks.  Washington, DC was a scary place for a little guy...but fortunately my Dad and I lived just across from a park and I relished in only having to cross 1 street to get there.  Fire trucks, police cars and all the loud sounds of the city became second nature to me really fast and soon I upgraded to long walks....awesome...touring the neighborhood....seeing other dogs...other people...and a great area to strut my stuff!!  One memory of those early days was being rolled by a large black lab....maybe he wanted to play...but I learned the trick of "duck and roll" and was out from under him in no time.  And believe me the trick was used several other times during my life.

I was very fortunate to be able to travel with my Dad...and I know he will remember my first experience with the will his friend Johnny!! We were at Rehoboth Beach and walking along the beach and as we got a little closer to the water I looked up and saw a wave of water coming directly at me....I turned to head away from the wave of water....but it caught me on my butt.  From that day forth I did not have a love for water of any form....the ocean....swimming pools.....rain...or getting a "BATH"!!  The word bath was one I understood very well in my life....knowing that getting soaked was eminent...and being blow dried was not far behind.....all for the sake of being clean!!!

Travel also took my Dad and I to Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Arkansas, Missouri, Tennessee, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Georgia, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and Pennsylvania.  Quite the little car, truck and airplane.  I did have one bad experience when flying to Arizona....the airplane was very wait...make that HOT!  And I was in a carrier under the seat in front of my Dad.  I was taught at an early age by my Dad that I should not bark....difficult for a little guy like me but I understood that living in an apartment it helped if you did not have a 'yelping' dog!  However, being under that hot seat in the airplane was way too I decided to take things in my own paws....I "BARKED"...and yeah it got attention...and the air conditioning came on...I always wanted to think that I was responsible for that....oh, and my Dad...yeah he was mortified!

My Uncle Skip would often keep me at his Condo in DuPont Circle....he was the best...we had such great walks....and you would be amazed at all the guys/dogs I met over the years.  One memory of being at Uncle Skip's was when he thought I had expired.  I had a habit of sleeping on my back with all 4 legs in the air...quite comfortable....but yes a bit unusual for a dog.  Well, Uncle Skip remembered seeing a movie where the dog had expired and was found laying on his back with all 4 legs in the air.  Sure enough he woke up one morning and there I was...on my back....he called my name....I did not respond....he called again - nothing...then he yelled my name and it scared the be-Jesus out of me....and I leaped up...Uncle Skip was relieved to say the least....I was wondering...what the hell just happened!!

Oh the life of a dog....I once was with Johnny in the Pet's Mart....dogs are allowed in cruise other dogs and check out all the toys...treats and dog type stuff.  Johnny thought is was oh so cool having me roam up and down the was too...until I decided to leave my mark...I hiked my leg and peeped....oops - not a good thing.  Johnny hustled me out of there at record speed.

Over the years I was fortunate to have such wonderful caregivers when my Dad traveled for business and pleasure.  I loved all the attention I was given...and always tried to be on my best behavior.  Nan & Jeanette were a couple of my favorites....they always had some really cool dogs either at the house or in the neighborhood were we would walk.  That Lucy Lou comes to mind...she was a stunner!!  Nan, Jeanette and I would also play the food game....tossing out a dog food morsel one at a time in a pitch and catch fashion...I loved that....and even got my Dad to do it at my house.  But Nan & Jeanette also thought at one time that I might love to go in the pool....NOT....remember I do not like water!!  I was very fortunate to be a minute part of their life over the years and know they will receive an extra blessing for being so loving. 

Dennis was one of my caregivers.  He knew what a dog loved....'TREATS'....I tried my best to get as many of them from him as possible.  We had some great times...and that man knows everyone...we would be out with him walking and talking to everyone the whole way on my dog walk.  He also knew I loved the 'PARK' and I would always respond when he steerred me in that direction.  Of course in the last few months of my life I had a bit of difficulty navigating the streets with my bad eye sight and would often have to be guided to prevent my running into a tree or a fence.  Dennis was always there for me and showered me with his love of great was that for a little guy like me? Dad.  We were buddies...he was always there for me...and I for him.  He gave me a great life and an opportunity to give love to him and his Aunt Velma in the nursing home in Arizona.  They loved me at the nursing home and I tried to give them some love in return...Love to his daughter Michelle and her husband Todd...along with his grandchildren Schuyler & Keaton ....who had the greatest dog...Becket.  I know my Dad will remember when we were driving  to Todd & Michelle's for Christmas and came upon the toll booth on the tollway.  I always thought that when the car door opened I could get out...most of the time that was true....well not when you come to a toll booth and the door opened because Dad missed the chute and dropped the change on the pavement.  The door opened and I hopped out....YIKES...where am I now...concrete and cars whizzing by....quickly I was scooped up and put back in the car....learned a lesson too....wait for Dad when the door opens!!!

I really had a great life...and I know for some it may have seemed short...but hey...12 years of a dogs life makes me 84 in human years....I know I may not have remembered your favorite experience when you met or cared for me...Dad would love to hear those I know....and I hope that I was able to give a little love to each and everyone that I touched....if so....pass it on....pass it on....


  1. Thank you for sharing your tribute to Pepe with us. Pepe was a special little guy that always received a lot of attention when out for a walk. I know you will miss him very much as I will as well. Thank you for the opportunities I had to take care of Pepe and the memories to last.

  2. Dear Bob - as dog/people lovers ourselves, we are so sad to hear of your loss and are thinking if you and Pepe!

    xo- Eric & Greg

  3. Pepe was a special dog. I loved leaving him messages on the answering machine. Pepi did share is love and I am grateful to have been part of this life.

    Love Steven

  4. That dog is too cute. I'm sorry to hear about your loss

  5. Sorry Uncle Bob about your loss, it must have been the year to lose special pets. He had the cutest face. I love the article from Pepe very special , I love you Laurie
