Saturday, January 29, 2011

Time is flying.....and I will be in just a few more days!

I have my watch set for Australia....the time in Aussie land is 16 hours ahead of Eastern Daylight time.  As I progress on my journey the top portion of my watch will always reflect my home, and the bottom portion that country/city I am visiting

Speaking of time....I can hardly believe that it has been a month since I retired!!  What in the World have I been doing with all my free time.  Well 6 days in Chicago, 1 day on the roundtrip road trip to nowhere, packing, unpacking, arranging for Comcast to do a Seasonal Vacation....whoa...wait a minute...lets talk about this.  I call Comcast on a Monday and arrange for the vacation to begin February 10th.  In less than 5 minutes I have no internet service.  I spent 3 hours that Monday afternoon getting my service back to "normal".  Tuesday morning and I have no internet service....vacation has begun anew.  Two shaved and hour off of Monday's time...and I am back in business.  Wednesday guessed internet service....okay, let's get serious...I need to cancel this Seasonal Vacation!  No, I am convinced by a Comcast representative that everything is now working properly....yeah!  Thursday morning...okay I give up...cancel the Seasonal Vacation...back to the basics....and yes...I have now gone 3 consecutive days with full service!!!!!

I notice at times I do take one step forward and two chipping a dental crown....YIKES...thank goodness it was in Washington DC and not in a remote village in Thailand.  And then the one giant step towards securing a visa for India...very smooth operation for dropping off your documents and extremely efficient.  But do have to return to pick up the visa...when..between 4:30 and 6:30 PM the next day....I arrive at 4:30 thinking this will be a walk in the park.  Wrong....the line is out the door...which is not opened until 4:30 on the nose.   Then it took me until after 6:00 to wait in line and watch total chaos before my very eyes with the clerks sorting thru hundreds of passports (literally) find each and every customer's passport.

I have also adopted the Apple store.  Tutorial on one workshops...all in the interest of using my Apple "toys" to there fullest...with IPad, IPhone and MacAir all talking the same talk and walking the sane walk.  Believe me it is a little different than calling IT services and telling them to fix it.  In my new job...Retirement....I am on my own with this technology bit.  However, so far so good and if only all this electronic gear were about 10 pounds lighter....sounds like my Cardiologist talking!!

This will be the final blog edition before I head out on February 9th.  I am planning on 'blogging' from my Qantas Airbus 380....with photos...but until then I will leave you with a photo of each country I will be visiting on my Round The World trip.  See you in the friendly skies.....

1 comment:

  1. by now you are in the air somewhere..looking forward to hearing about your adventure, we love you
