Friday, November 26, 2010

Electronics galore......

Okay....Steve Jobs is not going on this RTW junket.  But, Apple is providing via my purchase plenty of toys to accompany me.  Let's just take a look at this assortment of electronic gear that will go into my backpack....

First we have the Apple(s) of my eyes.....starting with the IPhone...a gem that provides many functional uses for the journey.  It has my TripIt information with all reservations and booking numbers.  Currency converter...all my music on ITunes....language converter...contacts...etc....this is a MUST!  Then up from that is the IPad...a large "I" device without a phone.  But, it has capability for books (similar to the Kindle)..and most important WiFi capability to connect Worldwide with my service provider or by changing the SIM Card any one of many other Worldwide providers in the countries I visit.  Finally up top on the picture above is my newest electronic addition...The MacBook Air....11 inches and 2 pounds of mighty computer.  I got this to accommodate posting my Blog with pictures as I make my way around the World.  It also has all my Microsoft applications that I would have on my desktop at home.  It as well as the IPad provide ready storage for the multitude of photos that I anticipate taking.  So those are the Steve Job tools for travel.

Next up....the rest of the gear....cameras, binoculars, headset and other miscellaneous necessities for the journey...lets see what we have ....

 The Bose headset - Acoustic Noise Cancelling - awesome piece of gear.  The sound quality and the quiet of outside noise is well worth the price of this headset.  Great for movies, videos, music as well as to just block out the sound.

Next we have the Cameras - Nikon primary camera with a Tamron 18 to 270 all purpose lens....okay let's face it I don't know anymore about all those numbers than most people....for me it is a point and shoot camera.  Use the Auto settings for this camera most of the time, but have experimented with night pics and hope to experiment more on this RTW journey.  One more addition to the camera gear is a pocket
camera, Fujifilm EXR modelk, with a 10x wide lens...powerful littlle thing and easy to carry in your pocket with capability of providing great pictures.  Then we have Nikon binocular....a must for all the grandeur of such locations as New Zealand....the Galapagos....and Machu Picchu. 

Also you will notice my extra supply of batteries as well as two pouches full of connections not only for in-flight charging, but also adapters for the various parts of the World.  I added a  mini surge protector which can provide connection for 3  devices at one time plus 2 USB ports.

So there you have it....the total weight is under 7 pounds.  All of this will fit into my carry-on backpack and be readily available to take pictures...listen to videos...or scan the horizon. 

Next month....the infamous itinerary...where is he going...when will he be there....for all those who have asked and then thought maybe...just maybe they would join me in some exotic place....look for it in December....