Monday, February 21, 2011

Christchurch to Wellington

As you read in my previous blog today....I was blessed to get out of Christchurch before the earthquake....a very devastating disaster.

The trip from Christchurch was in two legs....the first by rail from Christchurch to Picton....then the second by ferry from Picton to Wellington.  An adventure that lasted from 7:00am till almost 5:00pm.

The Tranz Scenic rail trip is one of the Great Train Escapes in New Zealand.  On the train today which is the TranzCostal it covered the upper portion of the South Island and the Pacific Ocean was visible for almost 100 Kilometers.  The train is a hoot.....there is an observation car....and it is open air....catch this...


Cool huh?  Well today it was really cool...since it was about 17 degrees Celsius and a strong wind.  But look at how narrow it was between cars...

Most of the journey on the train looked like this out my window....

But then at times it was clear enough to catch a glimpse of the mountains...

Then the Pacific came into view....awesome....there is just something so majestic and awe inspiring as the power and beauty of the the is a definite top draw for me.

All along this coast you could see seals and of course the ever present surfer trying to catch the big one are ride it to glory......

Then I reached Picton and walked from the train to the was huge...I would have no idea how many cars, trucks, bus and campers were loaded on that ship...hundreds.  It had 10 decks and I did see went we boarded as passengers the accommodation for cars was stacking them 4 high!!

Here is the the Interislander I sailed on today....

So.....tonight I am in Wellington, my hotel room on the 11th floor!!!!!!  Take a look at Wellington from my window.... is off to see the North Island for the next 7 days.....and .say a prayer for the poor people of Christchurch....


  1. Glad you're safe!...Many of my friends here checked your blog because they knew you were there. The pictures are GREAT, we feel like we're taking the trip with you.

  2. Wait till you see the "Luge" pics....YIKES!!!!!
