Sunday, March 13, 2011

Bay of Fires - Cataract Gorge and more...all in Tasmania

The day began with this great sunrise....almost like one from the Serengeti...but really it is in St. Helens, Tasmania.....

The journey today takes us to the Bay of Fires and beautiful rock formations....

And of course sandy beaches....aaaaahhhh

The journey today also featured travel thru tropical rain forests...

I do not often mention stops made during the day for "tea time" or "ice cream"...but today is an exception...this is a road house 45 minutes in each direction from any major town.  A young couple manage the business owned by the father of the male partner.  It is so quaint...a pub...a old fashioned jute box...a pool table...and fantastic tea and date bread!!  Here it is called the Welborough...on the Tasman Highway, NE in Tasmania...worth stopping for sure if you come this way....take a look...

Next is really an amazing sight in another small town in Tasmania....The trees in the town square were carved to commemorate men who served their country and lost their lives in World War 1....this particular tree was for Robert Jenkins

Look at the tree that was carved....with a chain honor this soldier....amazing...

This was a real were all the other 8 in the town square!!

Okay...guess where we stopped for about an hour in the afternoon...

You got it...a winery....the Rosevears Vineyards...for a wine tasting....ummmm so so good...we sampled about 5 different wines...this is Bob afterward...

Finally, the day concludes at the Cataract Gorge in Launceston, Tasmania.  It has a chair lift with the larges single central span of any chairlift in the WORLD!!

So up I go....and here is what I see from my chair...

And here are some of the couples who are touring with seen from my chair lift...first is Gloria & Brian...

Then we have Michael and Jean.......

And....Ute and Desmond......

That's it for today.....tomorrow we head up to Lemonthyme and a lodge that I will probably not be able to access my you will have to wait a couple days till I come out of the wilderness!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bob. Finally got round to checking out your blog. Some great photos and it has been nice 'reliving' our holiday through them. Glad you are enjoying Tas, we were there for a few days; Hobart, Swansea and Launcheston. Now back in a cold and dull UK. Have a safe trip home, nice to have met you.
    Jean and June (Kirra coach travellers!)
