Friday, March 18, 2011

Tuesday - March 15th - Cradle Mountain & Tasmanian Devils!!

By day's end today we will travel to the West side fishing village of Strahan...but in between Cradle Mountain is calling....

Below the mountain is the beautiful Dove lake....

The Waldheim Chalet is also in this area and part of the World Heritage epic scenery.....Waldheim lived in this cabin along with his wife...and after her passing continued to live there until his death...

Fear not...he did have some form of modern convenience...check out the "Bath House"...

My travel took me next to a conservation area for preservation of the Tasmanian fact I actually got to pet a young "devil"....very soft... check these guys out...

Here is the one I actually got to pet...he is being held by the conservation agent.... a a couple pictures of some cute little quoll....The tiger spotted tail quoll is the largest marsupial carnivore in Australia....and endangered as well...these are babies...

Okay...time to get to Strahan...and I need to tell you it is nothing even close to the Wilderness Retreat at Lemonthyme Lodge....well, except it has no internet...for three days now...I have no contact with the world.....

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