Friday, March 18, 2011

Friday - March 18th - Back to Square One - Hobart

The last day of the Tasmanian tour begins at another "falls"...this is Russell Falls....the last of the rain forest areas....but this one has some different are some photos as I walk the path to the falls...

and then the Falls....I think more impressive than the Nelson Falls from a couple days ago....what do you think?

Well...maybe this will help you is Bob from the Blog as a Blob at the Falls...

Okay...let's move along...back down the path....opps....what is this....some wallaby...

On the way further south from the falls there are fields of "Hops" lovers delight in these pics...

Back to Hobart after 9 days.....into the market area of Salamanca for lunch...

Then a brief stop at a cheese operation...sheep cheese....

The black sheep in this picture is named "Stevie Wonder"...and he helps the other sheep in this photo around the farm...since the other sheep is blind.... last boat ride...this time just across the bay back to Hobart from from the cheese farm....but we do pass the ferry which is loading up to make a crossing as well...

and....a schooner which has been out for the day...

But the real highlight of this boat ride was going under the bridge into Hobart...check it out...

That is about it for the day as the harbour of Hobart comes into view....

The ready to head off tomorrow back to Melbourne and then next week....Bangkok and into India.....


  1. Dad, these pictures are simply amazing! great stuff, miss you

  2. So far it is truly amazing..How about those Tasmanian Devils???.....but Tasmania and the South Island of New Zealand (even with the Earthquake in Christchurch) are the best of the best. Tomorrow I head to Thailand and then into India before coming back to Phuket....should be a totally different from what i have seen thus you early Birthday present is in the mail.

  3. I already got my birthday present, already!!

  4. These Falls are beautiful Bob!
