Saturday, March 12, 2011

On the Road St. Helens Tasmania

As I leave Hobart this morning I get a better view of Mt. Wellington...this time not hidden by clouds...

Now on to Ross a quaint little town...there are several as you can imagine....and they all seem to have a picturesque bridge and church....take a look...

These little towns also for some reason have a bakery and is a good time for a "tea" break.

The day's highlight was the Freycinet National Park.  It was formed in 1916....and has great views across  brilliant blue waters and huge granite mountains...

The orange color comes from liken (sp).

The light house is a standard for most heights such as this...and of course this is no exception...

For some odd reason this picture from inside the Park today interested me....not really a flower as we see color or beauty of bloom....but a simple bud on a plant on the way to the light house days end arrival in St. Helens...a little fishing village on the East Coast of Tasmania...

And check in to my room overlooking the harbour....

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