Friday, March 11, 2011

Melbourne...was wet...rained daily for both days...yuck!!

Well Melbourne was a washout...I spend the day in the museum....but I have to tell was really cool there....they have these cable cars...everywhere!!!  Easy to use and run until the early morning hours.. and some are on a free route...just hop on and off.

So these couple days were not lost....because I found something for two special people by the last name of Russell....first of all in Melbourne they have a street named after them...a fairly big street...busy...and hey...I did not find any Ward take a look at this for the Russell boys...

How cool huh?  Well ....lo and I continued walking back to my hotel in the rain...getting my little...well you know..wet and wetter!!  I discover this...

Now....I need to explain....both of these Russell men...are big fans of Makers Mark!!  Big time how ironic is it...that I not only find a street named from them...but a building...there own Makers Mark building!! Goodness gracious...I could almost see the red wax running down the side of this place!!

But before we get too excited...I have the rest of the story....It like an earlier Blog photo in New Zealand....has this ending... Jesus in New Zealand....Makers Mark is For Lease....but, that is a good is still out there...not For Sale....but For Lease!!...Enjoy my Makers Mark Russell men!!

Moving on to Tasmania....way way way down under...but still part of Australia....

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