Sunday, March 27, 2011

Phuket - A rain out for the first 3 days....

Phuket is in the midst of a rainy season I think.  On the day I arrived it rained a little in the afternoon and then cleared off.  The second day it rained most of the day....and today on day guessed it rain all day!!  YUCK!!

I have to confess...I have given up the resort I picked and decided to move down closer to the beach.  I selected the Bamboo Resort because it was up in the hills above Patong Beach.  But there is nothing else up here on the hill and you have to get a motor bike or taxi to go down the mountain.  No motor bike for me of course.  Now after 3 rainy days I have decided to move closer to the beach to avail myself of a lot more restaurants and shopping areas....and the Holiday Inn Hotel has many more amenities.  So tomorrow I move...will give you an update with the next blog on the move.  Here are a couple pics of my room at the Bamboo and stepping right out the door to the pool....

So on rainy day 2...I decided to take a tour to include the scenic view of Phuket, a temple, aquarium,  and of all things....a cashew factory!!

This is the scenic view....yeah you can see how great this rainy view is to me....

The temple...

and on to the aquarium...where I found some great shots of the fish and crabs....take a look...

But, for me the highlight of the day was this cashew factory.  I was amazed to find that cashews are but a small nut on the  bottom of each plant.  The plant is about the size of a medium pear...and the yellow portion in this picture is plant above the nut.  It can be used to produce a juice that is quite tasty....amazing...

In this plant all the nuts are harvested by the same fashion as cracking pecans ...with a machine that cracks open the shell and exposes the nuts.

  And of course you may be wondering...did I buy any?  One small jar....may have to eat them in the next week since I do not believe I can get thru the airport with them...

Oh...when I went to the beach today...just before the rain began again....the Queen Mary 2 was out in the harbour...she must be following me...I was in Auckland when I last saw her. news will be after my hotel move.....


  1. great pictures bob, sounds like your having a wonderful time

  2. Hi, Bob

    We know that you are embracing all the sights, sounds and experiences this journey is affording you.

    Carol and Andy
